想用Dreamwaver + Linux + PHP+ MySQL學寫Blog程式嗎? Macromedia Developer Exchange 提供了一篇很讚的文章歐
摘 錄導言如下:Having access to the Internet does not actually imply being present on the Internet. In the information jungle that has clogged the Internet community, it is often too difficult to stay visible and be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas safely and clearly. For a more intimate relationship with your friends and the online community, in general, you should use a blog.Short for weblog, a blog is a personal journal that is frequently updated and intended for public consumption. It is a convenient way to make your ideas and opinions known or to publish more formal articles on specific topics, and to develop commentaries around them. If I caught your attention, then this tutorial will help you set up a basic blog from scratch, with absolutely no manual programming whatsoever.This article is the first of a series of six tutorials that will guide you through building a complex blog using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 within the PHP MySQL development environment. You can build this blog on either a Windows/IIS, Mac/Apache, or Linux/Apache development platform.
星期日, 9月 12, 2004
11:45 下午
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