有幾年時間沒有飛來飛去了, 一直到今年的9月5號飛到上海開始, 我的Frequency Flyer生涯又再度開始, 今天是12/18/2005, 九月份到12月為止, 我三個月飛了四次(台北香港上海3次,接下來的韓國1次)算是破紀錄的飛法, 算算 12週飛四次, 幾乎沒有在任何地方呆超過兩星期的.
還記得四年前另一次Frequency Flyer的高峰期, 當時一邊在學校兼課一邊上班, 因為公司總部先在新加坡後搬到香港, 所以創下一個月飛香港兩次, 在香港用卡用到爆卡的輝煌紀錄, 真擔心現在如果也這樣飛的話,會不會在某個中間站城市突然發現所有的支付工具都不能用, 陷入進退兩難的狀況.
星期日, 12月 18, 2005
星期六, 12月 10, 2005
到上海工作一晃眼三個月了, 不過這三個月中我幾乎沒在任何一個城市待超過三個星期的, 九月五號到這邊之後兩星期就回台北整理東西, 十一黃金週自己回台北之後為了survey產品留到10月21, 11/5又因為同樣原因被派回台北, 到11/16才回上海, 接下來過沒幾天搞不好又要去漢城.
就像S同學說的一樣: 你買機票是不用錢歐
宿舍也是搬了三次, 雖然在同一棟大樓裡面, 但三個月裡面搬三次也實在是夠累人的. 現在住的這間終於確定可以待一年不會再搬家, 才能開始思考如何佈置房間, 可是我又開始忙起來了.
也正是因為這樣, 想建立自己的"習慣領域"動作一直沒有完成
到現在還是覺得回宿舍不像是回家的感覺, 老覺得怪怪的.
星期一, 8月 01, 2005
Macromedia Flash Platform相關新聞
雖然Taiwan CNET的新聞中提到新版Flash 8的主要目標是Web的串流播放, 但是我覺得多媒體播放, 手機播放與IDE支援才是重點.
目標其實是WindowsMedia與Real Network
Flash 8號稱具備新的視訊編解碼器, 包括On2 Technologies的VP6,較Flash 7影像codec大有精進。Flash 8也支援Alpha透明模式(alpha transparency),可讓作者把Flash影片與文字、向量圖形及其他東西組合起來。
其實On2的Codec之前出現在哪邊呢? Real Player與Microsoft Windows Media Player, 所以除了串流播放之外, 只要放入不同的Codec, Flash也可以播放DVD(Mpeg-2), DivX, 我想這點對於Microsoft與Real來說, 應該很明顯吧~
Flash Lite與Flash Cast
如果原本製作的Flash遊戲或是動畫, 針對手機上畫面做小幅度修正就可以在手機或PDA上播放, 這個市場的潛力實在太大了, Flash Lite與Flash Cast就是這個想法的前後端(Flash Cast為後端)
隨著Flash 8測試版的出現, Macromedia似乎不但注意到多媒體的設計製作, 也試著想增強之前類似Flash Remote的功能到Internet Application設計者,美國CNET提到Flash與Eclipse的整合就是很好的例子。隨著正式版的出現, 我想Macromedia應該也不會放棄.NET應用程式的開發者吧;)
星期三, 7月 20, 2005
星期三, 7月 13, 2005
在 電影產業中,電影首映(Prime time)後的空窗控制期是很重要的, 電影上演->海外上演->二輪->付費電視(美國的Pay TV)->DVD->Cable Channel, 而且很多時候電影公司可以透過地區發行來互相來互相cover.
現在隨著網際網路興起, 地區與地區間的發行資訊越來愈公開, 現在的全球聯映已經成為正常情況(搞的首映有時候在星期三...詭異), 再加上 BitTorrent的出現, 某地先上演的電影, 隔天就出現在全球網路上
受到「史瑞克二」DVD銷售不如預期的影響,美國動畫製作公司夢工廠週一宣布調降財測。華爾街日 報報導指出,夢工廠調降財測凸顯DVD市場購買習慣已出現無預期的轉變,而這樣的改變甚至可能代表DVD市場飽和期已經提早到來。
今年五月,夢工廠製片公司首度向投資人表示,「史瑞克二」的DVD銷售可能無法達到該公司原先的預期目標。週一夢工廠表示,由於「史瑞克 二」DVD遭零售商退回數量超乎預期,該公司被迫宣布調降今年第二季和全年財測目標。此外,夢工廠也宣布暫時取消五億美元的新股發行計畫。
報導指出,目前好萊塢大製作電影DVD通常在發行第一週,銷售量就會達到整體銷售的一半以上。一旦銷售放緩,零售業者很快就會退回未售出的 DVD。產業專家認為,這種「來得快、去得也快」的購買模式很可能就是未來DVD影片市場的趨勢,而這樣的轉變對原本預期「細水長流」的製片公司而言將是 一大衝擊。
根據Adams媒體研究公司的統計,今年上半年DVD和VCD整體銷售成長大約介於六%到七%,這樣的成長速度明顯低於市場分析師的預測。 該公司表示,如果照這種情況發展下去,DVD市場的成長率可能比原先預期的時間還要提早一年,就會從目前的兩位數放緩至一位數。
星期二, 6月 21, 2005
Presentation Layer的競爭- 由微軟發佈Acrylic看微軟, Adobe的競爭
自從Adobe併購Macromedia之後, Microsoft對Photoshop+PDF+Flash組合的看法與動向相對的受到矚目, 繼Macromedia股東鬧場之後, Taiwan CNET又再度刊出一篇值得一看的分析文章
(當然基於智慧財產權等等等等的因素,建議各位讀者先行閱讀這篇文章, 我在這邊就不摘錄了)
Adobe 的PDF加上Macromedia的Flash為何會吹縐一池春水呢?我個人認為是因為PDF+Flash代表電腦使用者介面(UI: User Interface),文件交換(Document Exchange)與展現層(Presentation Layer)技術未來的一種可能性。
PDF: 撐的夠久的技術標準
Adobe 的PDF文件格式現在已經是pc上文件交換的重要標準之一,早年PDF規格出現的時候,並沒有太受到重視,如果把PDF定為純資料交換模式,則 與完全免費的HTML相比、PDF的製作工具多半是要收費的,如果把PDF當作文件格式,與Microsoft Word的DOC格式相比其功能又太少了(在Acrobat中雖然可以編輯,但是實在不能跟Word比較)。
老實說, 筆者一直認為只能PDF這類『只能看不能修改』的文件格式實在不能算是『文件交換』格式,不過Adobe定名也定的很好, 可攜式文件格式(portable document format),當作Microsoft Word或是其他應用程式的Add-on, 除此之外Adobe在商業模式上的兩個特點,是筆者覺得讓PDF格式一直活到現在的原因。
第 一個原因是Acrobat Reader(Client端)免費發送,並且免費版的Acrobat Reader並不是類似當年Sun的Hot Java 編輯器一樣難用又慢的Reference Design, 而是真正可用並好用的Reader, 所以慢慢的透過免費下載, PDF格式的流通率就變高了。企業等需要產出PDF格式的公司購買產生工具,一般使用者就閱讀就好了。
另一個商業模式上的特色是 Adobe把PDF文件產生製作的格式(PDF Format, 目前1.6版的樣子)與PDF工具分開,這種作法與Browser瀏覽器市場上的文件標準(HTML)與工具(瀏覽器本身, 例如Netscape, IE, Firefox)分離的方法相似,這樣的模式確保軟體開發第三方可以透過PDF Format開發自己的工具。
難得的是微軟一直 沒有把Presentation Layer的東西當做類似瀏覽器之類的大事來看待,所以Adobe跟Microsoft(到目前為止)一直沒有發生類似Netscape vs Microsoft或是Real Network vs Microsoft的戰爭,其主要原因我覺得是Microsoft或是電腦業界一直到最近才對展現層的技術有新的認知。
展現層(Presentation Layer)與使用者介面(UI)的濫觴
展 現層(Presentation Layer)主要指電腦與使用者互動並展示資料的技術總稱,GUI或UI算是其中的一種,不過所謂的展現層是比較技術的,例如:使用者打開ie視窗,右上 角有縮到最小, 放到最大與關閉三個按鈕,這三個按鈕屬於使用者介面(UI: User Interface)的部份功能,而讓電腦能顯示出UI要表現的樣式(Feature)與功能(Function),則是屬於我在本文中要提到的展現層功 能。
我最早有映象而為之驚豔的展現層技術應該是Borland在Turbo C中提供的一組對話框(Dialog Box), 當年在MS-DOS時代,哪來的GUI跟按鈕滑鼠啊, 但是當時透過Borland的一組函式庫,程式設計師可以在MS-Dos畫面上模擬出類似Mac的視窗, 對話框,雖然這些功能畫面都只是由ASCII符號組成的,不過對看多了C:>_ 的人來說,有使用者介面與對話框簡直就是不可思議的發明。
順帶一提,還有人記得當年的Watcom C跟Turbo C嗎?Extend Memory技術與Dialog Box GUI, 對當時還在使用Intel 486 DX與32MB RAM的我來說, 簡直有如神兵利器;D
很 快的, IBM OS/2與Microsoft Windows 3.1中文版出現了, 這類作業系統透過UI處理大部分的使用者工作,雖然開始的前幾年非常不穩定, 但是到了OS/2 Warp與Microsoft Windows 98出現時,我們終於有一些穩定(MacOS一直都很穩定:-X),圖形化介面的UI可用了。
Presentation Layer的發展期:User.DLL, GUI.dll 到Flash.OCX
寫到這邊,筆者不得不回想到『很久很久以前』,當筆者還在寫VB跟一點點的C的時代,當時用的是Win 16 Windows API,當時Borland還遠遠的透過OWL把Microsoft拋在後面(李維先生的
一 路到了 1992 年MFC出現,當時的1.0版好像才有GUI跟Draw部分(畫出UI)的函式庫,我還記得有拿到一張超大張的MFC Map, 大概上面有超過50種函式庫, 一路到.NET之前的Visual C++ 6.0版,其中所附的MFC 種類已經超過200,而且針對不同作業系統(98, 2000, XP)還提供UI部分的不同修改呼叫與函式庫。
姑且不論程式設計師自己會不會覺得煩(老實說我覺得我座位旁邊的Tech Map真的有點多...),就在MFC一版一版出現的時候, 再雷達的另一邊,有一個叫做Flash.ocx的東西,因為網際網路的興盛,突然出現在很多人的電腦裡面,而且跟微軟的IE綁的很好,使用者只要在第一次 下載Flash的內容的時候,選擇要安裝Flash元件,這個OCX就會自動安裝到使用者的電腦裡面。
而且Flash Player跨PC/Mac平台不用錢;) 只有製作Flash的工具需要花錢,而且Flash吸引的族群是之前製作多媒體內容(Macromedia Director, Authorware與再之前的HyperCard, Toolbook作者), 製作的過程雖然需要寫程式,但這個程式(ActionScript)比起JavaScript難不到哪裡去。
所以很快的, 當大家的電腦裡面都有Flash之後,突然有人做出類似Nike這類的全Flash網站,搭配IE全螢幕,突然更多人發現Browser可以當作一種 Container(這種thin client的idea以前就有了, 但是大量的實作,我想Flash是惟一一個吧),所有的互動與溝通加上多媒體絢麗介面都可以透過Flash.OCX來處理。
如果我是微軟我應該會有點悶吧, 某天早上起床,突然發現,除了Win32 API之外,Flash.OCX這個相對起來有購輕量化的ActiveX Control已經偷偷佔領了網頁設計與介面設計的主流地位,而且隨著Flex, OpenLazzdo這類Flash的動態後台機制的出現,原本Win16/Win32的UI API意義在某方面受到了挑戰。
如果只要IE打開之後, 所有的介面都透過Flash.OCX處理,在某方面算不算是對傳統UI API的一種背棄或是反動呢?
號稱WinForm與WebForm可以透過同一組XUL呈現的Avalon,加上Metro文件格式與Acrylic繪圖軟體,應該是微軟轉頭看Adobe+Macromedia的第一波回應,至於真的能跟PDF, Flash+Flex與Photoshop家族對抗,我覺得時間是最大的問題。
星期一, 6月 20, 2005
史密斯任務,機動殺人, 間諜遊戲
上星期不能免俗的去看了Mr. and Mrs. Smith這部大家都會去看的電影, 其實老實說還蠻好看的啦, 畢竟俊男美女加上超級動作劇情, 對我這種『只看熱鬧不看門道』的人, 想說不好看也蠻難的啦.
不過週末無意間看到兩部在第四台播的老片『機動殺人』(HBO星期天晚上9點, 女主角是也是史密斯太太Angelina Jolie)與間諜遊戲(東森星期天晚上7點, 男主角就是史密斯先生Brad Pitt), 躬逢其盛的把這兩部電影又看過了一次。
我必須要承認 間諜遊戲原 本就是我很喜歡的一部電影,不但因為劇情張力, 勞勃瑞福的演技, 還有那種男人跟男人間的深刻感情, 還有個人報復政府的一種快感(沒看過的朋友建議抓準這個月東森電影台的時間表, 看他一次, 反正又不用錢~), 還包括劇情劇本的深度, 導演(Tony Scott, 也是超有名大片好大一隻槍Top Gun, 火線勇氣, 大敵當前的超級導演)的運鏡手法.
間諜遊戲描寫兩名間諜相知相遇相惜的過程, 藉著主角回憶橫跨數十年的場面, 史密斯先生出現在不同的地點負責不同的任務, 機動殺人中的偵查員史密斯太太也同樣有激情場面+調查張力
可是同樣的任務, 場景, 激情場面+張力, 好像機動殺人與間諜遊戲有深度多了...
看來看去還是史密斯任務裡面跟媽媽住在一起的Eddie(Vince Vaughn飾演)最可愛也最有戲劇張力;D不知道大家覺得呢, 會在媽媽家放機關槍散彈槍之類的人在我看來夠有戲劇張力了。
星期三, 6月 15, 2005
換個地方, 重新開始
星期二, 4月 19, 2005
星期四, 3月 10, 2005
Cloudscape 10.0 Release
Download Cloudscape
Anyone remember when you attend the SCJP or SCWCD course, in later chapter we use CloudScape as sample database?
Just like "the increditable" claim, "it is back, it is larger, it is stronger", now Cloudscape 10.0 back to town!
Be sure you check it out.
星期二, 3月 08, 2005
安裝WTK 2.2的WMADemo 至P910i出現底下問題~~~
Java 技術論壇 - 安裝WTK 2.2的WMADemo 至P910i出現底下問題~~~
昨天就看到這個Thread ;) 我也試了一下,果然在安裝到P910i的時候就出現跟上面一樣的訊息, 去查了一下SonyEricsson的文件(Deploy J2ME in P910), 看到下面幾段話,
1)要在P910i上面執行WMA, 手機中的Phone Organizer的版本(就是開啟鍵盤蓋後選擇"編輯"->"系統資訊"後會看到的第二頁"個人助理"版本)要在CXC162021 R2B02或更高版本的才會支援
2) 在SonyEricsson的設計中, 有幾組API因為會耗用使用者的Air time, 所以被歸類在被限制的API, 包括JSR-120 WMA API
猜想是因為WMA APIs 屬於被限制的API才會這樣
好吧,那既然我的手機版本是okay的, 那就自己Sign一下MIDlet suite好了, 所以我就到Utility sign一下, 果然...不會出現錯誤訊息了
An untrusted MIDlet suite is not trusted to use any of the restricted APIs without the explicit permission by the end user. At runtime when an untrusted MIDlet suite attempts to access a restricted API you are
prompted to accept or reject access to the specific API.
JSR 120, Wireless Messaging API 1.1 is implemented with support for SMS send, SMS receive and Push-Registry Alarm. MIDP 2.0 security has been added to the Open connection, Send and Receive functions,as specified in WMA 1.1.
WMA is supported only in the Phone Organizer SW version CXC162021 R2B02 or later.The 3GPP specification for SMS specifies the port numbers 16000-16999 as available for applications. It is recommended that Java developers use non-reserved port numbers within this range. The WMA specification has a system list of restricted port numbers which may not be used by the Java application. For compatibility with other WMA supported mobile devices, it is recommended that you use non-reserved port numbers.
星期五, 3月 04, 2005
Team Server 2005 from .NET Developer's Journal
.NET Developer's Journal: "Team Foundation: At Work
Version control, work item tracking, project management, and build management
January 12, 2005
Do you find yourself tired after sitting in meetings all day? Do you have feelings of uselessness after weeks of bug fixing? Do you often find yourself feeling lonely, as if you've lost touch with your team and the status of your project? Are you frustrated by frequent fire drills and the sense that your project is in utter chaos? Are you hopelessly lost in a sea of changing policies and procedures with no end in sight?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be clinically depressed and require extensive psychological counseling. Or maybe, just maybe, you are using the wrong software life-cycle tools.
As part of the Visual Studio Team System 2005 release, Microsoft will introduce a new server product designed specifically to improve software team collaboration and increase individual productivity. This new product is called Team Foundation (TF). This article discusses the key objects created and managed by software teams, why the integration between these objects is so important, and how Team Foundation can help your team be more successful.
Team Projects
Software development is a team activity now more than ever. When you thin"
星期三, 3月 02, 2005
[print version] P2P companies ask high court for help | CNET News.com
[print version] P2P companies ask high court for help | CNET News.com: "CNET News.com http://www.news.com/
P2P companies ask high court for help
By John Borland
Story last modified Tue Mar 01 14:24:00 PST 2005
Backed by powerful technology groups and a handful of artists, file-swapping software companies on Tuesday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reject proposals from the entertainment industry that could put them out of business.
Record labels and Hollywood studios, seeking to overturn lower court rulings shielding file-swapping companies, have asked the court to rule that businesses distributing products 'predominately' devoted to copyright infringement should be held legally responsible for that illegal activity.
That prospect has drawn staunch opposition across the technology sector. Intel, trade associations representing consumer electronics and software companies, and consumer groups joined the file-swapping companies on Tuesday, asking the court to avoid creating a new legal test they said might stifle technological innovation.
'The ability to create and innovate is a dynamic process and...not every society has achieved the mechanisms and balance and capability to achieve what we've done,' said Ed Black, president of the Computer & Communications Industry Association. 'It is that delicate balance that content owners are threatening to throw off.'
The Supreme Court case is one of the most closely watched issues across the technology and entertainment realms this year, with both sides saying that an unfavorable outcome could be devastating to their respective industries.
At the heart of the case is the 20-year-old Supreme Court ruling that made Sony's Betamax videocassette recorder legal to distribute without liability, despite its use by consumers to record and save copyright movies and TV shows. In that ruling, the court said that com"
Taiwan.CNET.com : 電腦專區 : 先睹為快 : 殺手級超大尺寸LCD:Dell 2405FPW
Taiwan.CNET.com : 電腦專區 : 先睹為快 : 殺手級超大尺寸LCD:Dell 2405FPW: "
殺手級超大尺寸LCD:Dell 2405FPW
CNET電腦專區/洪仁偉 2005/03/01
相較於廝殺激烈的15、17或19吋等LCD主流尺吋機種,過去專門銷售給專業美工或設計人員的20吋以上LCD價格就相對顯得比較穩定,20吋的LCD售價大約要3萬元以上,雖然和19吋相差1吋,但售價幾乎要1倍以上,而更大尺寸的LCD,例如相當受專業設計人員歡迎的Apple 23' Cinema HD Display還要價接近7萬元。
不過隨著LCD上游原料產能的增加,大尺寸LCD似乎也無法自外於這股LCD平價風,Dell近日就推出一款解析度1920x1200、亮度500cd/m2、反應時間12ms規格的24吋寬螢幕LCD 2405FPW,而且它的售價僅3萬7千元。
雖然相較於1萬多元的19吋LCD,Dell 2405FPW還是有點貴,不過比起以前動輒5、6萬以上的超大尺吋機種,已經便宜不少,而且規格也沒縮水,或許這些超大尺吋機種將是下一個LCD價格戰場。"
星期四, 2月 24, 2005
eXtreme Programming is not a silver bullet
eXtreme Programming is not a silver bullet: "eXtreme Programming is not a silver bullet
brian d foy
brian d foy
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Apr. 19, 2004 02:01 PM
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URL: http://www.ddj.com/articles/2004/0405/...
Matt Stephens and Doug Rosenberg (co-authors of eXtreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP) wrote 'The Irony of Extreme Programming' for the latest Dr. Dobbs Journal (which you can also get online with a membership).
They point out some of the things that I have thought for a while: eXtreme Programming (XP) has a lot of nice ideas, and it mitigates some problems, but it is neither a religion or a cure-all. In fact, it can create some problems of its own if not used well.
I like that they step back from the hype to look at some of the problems. I think the programming world (or maybe just the world, unqualified) tends to get too caught up in using a particular process or technique, even if common sense says something else. I have often told those close to me that if they cannot criticize their favorite thing, they do not know it well enough.
They quote an email one of their readers sent them:
The pair programming is mind numbing. With this XP stuff, software development is no longer a professional occupation, it's just another type of assembly line work.
Different people have different ideas about that, and as I write this from Detroit, home of the Henry Ford Museum, I wonder if those great innovations I learned in elementary school, like division of labor and the assembly, caused the same reaction. I would certainly expect that demoting a master craftsman to the assembly line would cause some problems, so why do some shops insist on doing that to senior developers just so they can say they practice XP?
brian d foy is a Perl trainer for Stonehenge Consulting Services and is the p"
星期五, 2月 18, 2005
Cryptographers to Hollywood: prepare to fail on DRM [printer-friendly] | The Register
Cryptographers to Hollywood: prepare to fail on DRM [printer-friendly] | The Register: "Cryptographers to Hollywood: prepare to fail on DRM
By John Leyden (john.leyden at theregister.co.uk)
Published Thursday 17th February 2005 19:37 GMT
RSA 2005 Movie industry representatives at RSA 2005 in San Francisco today called on the IT industry in thwarting illegal file sharing before the problem threatened its revenues. But they were told that they must recognise the limitations of digital rights management their fight against digital piracy.
Speaking on the RSA conference panel Hollywood's Last Chance - Getting it Right on Digital Piracy, Carter Laren, security architect at Cryptographic Research, noted that cryptography is 'good at some problems, such as transmitting data so it can't be eavesdropped or even authentication, but it can't solve the content protection problem. If people have legitimate access to content, then you can't stop them misusing it.
'Anyone designing content protection should design for failure and if it fails update it,' he added.
John Worrall, marketing VP at RSA Security, agreed that content protection systems should be easy to upgrade. The entertainment industry must also learn from its previous mistakes in pushing the weak CSS copy-protection system for DVDs: 'If content providers open up standards to good cryptographic review they will get a better system,' he said, to applause from the RSA 2005 audience.
The entertainment industry also needs to be responsive to changing market conditions and consumer preferences, according to Worrall: 'Don't lock down a set of content rules that look draconian five years from now. Be flexible enough to incorporate change in rules. If rules are too restrictive people will go to other channels, including pirated material."
星期一, 2月 14, 2005
Embedded.com - Software synthesis for embedded systems
Embedded.com - Software synthesis for embedded systems: "Software synthesis for embedded systems
By Bob Zeidman
Embedded Systems Programming
(01/20/05, 14:32:00 H EST)
Synthetic operating systems might mean never having to port software again. Software can be automatically generated-synthesized-to meet the demands of a changing system.
For decades hardware design began with a schematic-a graphical representation of the hardware that could be turned into components and wires, a printed circuit-board layout, or a semiconductor chip. At first the process was done manually with hand-drawn schematics that were translated to layouts by highly trained draftsmen. The process was later automated with schematic-capture tools, automatic netlist generation, and physical-layout programs, though the concepts remained the same. Eventually, chip designs grew very large and a new design method was needed. Thus was hardware synthesis born.
Hardware-description languages (HDLs) similar to programming languages were developed and now all chip designs begin as lines of code. The code is written at a high level that hides much of the complexity from the designer, and then is synthesized into a low-level description for layout and analysis. I'm proposing that the time is right for a similar evolution in embedded systems software design.
Synthesis is the process of taking a high-level description and turning it into a lower-level description that, in the case of software, can be compiled directly. By working at a higher level, the user is kept uninvolved with implementation details. Synthesis employs automatic code generation (ACG) but there's more to it than that. Some popular and useful code-generation tools already exist. Microsoft Visual Basic and HTML-layout tools like Macromedia's Dreamweaver allow users to create graphics and buttons with little or no knowledge of the underlying code. These kinds of ACG tools are indispensable for creating a user interfa"
星期四, 2月 03, 2005
星期二, 1月 25, 2005
星期一, 1月 24, 2005
BenQ DE530 - 超想敗的HD DVD錄影機!
Wow! BenQ出手的東西這次不錯耶, 400g大硬碟
Welcome to BenQ
C|Net新聞: 專訪Laszlo公司的CTO David Temkin
非常特別的, IBM 把 Laszlo技術包裝成OpenLaszlo以開放原始碼方式推出, 這讓我想到之前在C|Net看過的一篇專訪:
CNET News.com專訪David Temkin
星期四, 1月 13, 2005
A very strange way to get cash...
Altnet seeks patent royalties from P2P | CNET News.com
I really wonder why AltNet seek for aptent royalities...did Microsoft charge them?
I dun think so.