Java 技術論壇 - 安裝WTK 2.2的WMADemo 至P910i出現底下問題~~~
昨天就看到這個Thread ;) 我也試了一下,果然在安裝到P910i的時候就出現跟上面一樣的訊息, 去查了一下SonyEricsson的文件(Deploy J2ME in P910), 看到下面幾段話,
1)要在P910i上面執行WMA, 手機中的Phone Organizer的版本(就是開啟鍵盤蓋後選擇"編輯"->"系統資訊"後會看到的第二頁"個人助理"版本)要在CXC162021 R2B02或更高版本的才會支援
2) 在SonyEricsson的設計中, 有幾組API因為會耗用使用者的Air time, 所以被歸類在被限制的API, 包括JSR-120 WMA API
猜想是因為WMA APIs 屬於被限制的API才會這樣
好吧,那既然我的手機版本是okay的, 那就自己Sign一下MIDlet suite好了, 所以我就到Utility sign一下, 果然...不會出現錯誤訊息了
An untrusted MIDlet suite is not trusted to use any of the restricted APIs without the explicit permission by the end user. At runtime when an untrusted MIDlet suite attempts to access a restricted API you are
prompted to accept or reject access to the specific API.
JSR 120, Wireless Messaging API 1.1 is implemented with support for SMS send, SMS receive and Push-Registry Alarm. MIDP 2.0 security has been added to the Open connection, Send and Receive functions,as specified in WMA 1.1.
WMA is supported only in the Phone Organizer SW version CXC162021 R2B02 or later.The 3GPP specification for SMS specifies the port numbers 16000-16999 as available for applications. It is recommended that Java developers use non-reserved port numbers within this range. The WMA specification has a system list of restricted port numbers which may not be used by the Java application. For compatibility with other WMA supported mobile devices, it is recommended that you use non-reserved port numbers.
星期二, 3月 08, 2005
安裝WTK 2.2的WMADemo 至P910i出現底下問題~~~
3:37 下午
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