星期四, 3月 10, 2005

Cloudscape 10.0 Release

Download Cloudscape

Anyone remember when you attend the SCJP or SCWCD course, in later chapter we use CloudScape as sample database?
Just like "the increditable" claim, "it is back, it is larger, it is stronger", now Cloudscape 10.0 back to town!

Be sure you check it out.

星期二, 3月 08, 2005

安裝WTK 2.2的WMADemo 至P910i出現底下問題~~~

Java 技術論壇 - 安裝WTK 2.2的WMADemo 至P910i出現底下問題~~~

昨天就看到這個Thread ;) 我也試了一下,果然在安裝到P910i的時候就出現跟上面一樣的訊息, 去查了一下SonyEricsson的文件(Deploy J2ME in P910), 看到下面幾段話,

1)要在P910i上面執行WMA, 手機中的Phone Organizer的版本(就是開啟鍵盤蓋後選擇"編輯"->"系統資訊"後會看到的第二頁"個人助理"版本)要在CXC162021 R2B02或更高版本的才會支援

2) 在SonyEricsson的設計中, 有幾組API因為會耗用使用者的Air time, 所以被歸類在被限制的API, 包括JSR-120 WMA API


猜想是因為WMA APIs 屬於被限制的API才會這樣

好吧,那既然我的手機版本是okay的, 那就自己Sign一下MIDlet suite好了, 所以我就到Utility sign一下, 果然...不會出現錯誤訊息了

An untrusted MIDlet suite is not trusted to use any of the restricted APIs without the explicit permission by the end user. At runtime when an untrusted MIDlet suite attempts to access a restricted API you are
prompted to accept or reject access to the specific API.

JSR 120, Wireless Messaging API 1.1 is implemented with support for SMS send, SMS receive and Push-Registry Alarm. MIDP 2.0 security has been added to the Open connection, Send and Receive functions,as specified in WMA 1.1.
WMA is supported only in the Phone Organizer SW version CXC162021 R2B02 or later.The 3GPP specification for SMS specifies the port numbers 16000-16999 as available for applications. It is recommended that Java developers use non-reserved port numbers within this range. The WMA specification has a system list of restricted port numbers which may not be used by the Java application. For compatibility with other WMA supported mobile devices, it is recommended that you use non-reserved port numbers.

星期五, 3月 04, 2005

Team Server 2005 from .NET Developer's Journal

.NET Developer's Journal: "Team Foundation: At Work
Version control, work item tracking, project management, and build management
January 12, 2005


Do you find yourself tired after sitting in meetings all day? Do you have feelings of uselessness after weeks of bug fixing? Do you often find yourself feeling lonely, as if you've lost touch with your team and the status of your project? Are you frustrated by frequent fire drills and the sense that your project is in utter chaos? Are you hopelessly lost in a sea of changing policies and procedures with no end in sight?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be clinically depressed and require extensive psychological counseling. Or maybe, just maybe, you are using the wrong software life-cycle tools.

As part of the Visual Studio Team System 2005 release, Microsoft will introduce a new server product designed specifically to improve software team collaboration and increase individual productivity. This new product is called Team Foundation (TF). This article discusses the key objects created and managed by software teams, why the integration between these objects is so important, and how Team Foundation can help your team be more successful.

Team Projects
Software development is a team activity now more than ever. When you thin"

星期三, 3月 02, 2005

[print version] P2P companies ask high court for help | CNET News.com

[print version] P2P companies ask high court for help | CNET News.com: "CNET News.com http://www.news.com/
P2P companies ask high court for help

By John Borland

Story last modified Tue Mar 01 14:24:00 PST 2005

Backed by powerful technology groups and a handful of artists, file-swapping software companies on Tuesday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reject proposals from the entertainment industry that could put them out of business.

Record labels and Hollywood studios, seeking to overturn lower court rulings shielding file-swapping companies, have asked the court to rule that businesses distributing products 'predominately' devoted to copyright infringement should be held legally responsible for that illegal activity.

That prospect has drawn staunch opposition across the technology sector. Intel, trade associations representing consumer electronics and software companies, and consumer groups joined the file-swapping companies on Tuesday, asking the court to avoid creating a new legal test they said might stifle technological innovation.

'The ability to create and innovate is a dynamic process and...not every society has achieved the mechanisms and balance and capability to achieve what we've done,' said Ed Black, president of the Computer & Communications Industry Association. 'It is that delicate balance that content owners are threatening to throw off.'

The Supreme Court case is one of the most closely watched issues across the technology and entertainment realms this year, with both sides saying that an unfavorable outcome could be devastating to their respective industries.

At the heart of the case is the 20-year-old Supreme Court ruling that made Sony's Betamax videocassette recorder legal to distribute without liability, despite its use by consumers to record and save copyright movies and TV shows. In that ruling, the court said that com"

Taiwan.CNET.com : 電腦專區 : 先睹為快 : 殺手級超大尺寸LCD:Dell 2405FPW

Taiwan.CNET.com : 電腦專區 : 先睹為快 : 殺手級超大尺寸LCD:Dell 2405FPW: "
殺手級超大尺寸LCD:Dell 2405FPW

CNET電腦專區/洪仁偉  2005/03/01



相較於廝殺激烈的15、17或19吋等LCD主流尺吋機種,過去專門銷售給專業美工或設計人員的20吋以上LCD價格就相對顯得比較穩定,20吋的LCD售價大約要3萬元以上,雖然和19吋相差1吋,但售價幾乎要1倍以上,而更大尺寸的LCD,例如相當受專業設計人員歡迎的Apple 23' Cinema HD Display還要價接近7萬元。

不過隨著LCD上游原料產能的增加,大尺寸LCD似乎也無法自外於這股LCD平價風,Dell近日就推出一款解析度1920x1200、亮度500cd/m2、反應時間12ms規格的24吋寬螢幕LCD 2405FPW,而且它的售價僅3萬7千元。

雖然相較於1萬多元的19吋LCD,Dell 2405FPW還是有點貴,不過比起以前動輒5、6萬以上的超大尺吋機種,已經便宜不少,而且規格也沒縮水,或許這些超大尺吋機種將是下一個LCD價格戰場。"